SOLUTION 1# Prefer fresh food instead of frozen food which needs 10 times energy for preservation
SOLUTION 2# Buy organic food
- original soil from conventional farm releases zero harmful substance to the environment
SOLUTION 3# Methane is the second most significant greenhouse gases and cows are one of the greatest methane emitters.
SOLUTION 4# Encouraging public of energy conservation
- share infomation about recycling and energy conservation
SOLUTION 5# Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen
- when the concentration level of carbon dioxide decreases, the issue of global warming will definitely decrease too
SOLUTION 6# Use renewable energy
SOLUTION 7# Buy energy-efficient products to avoid extra emission of heat and the waste of power energy
SOLUTION 8# Drive less & drive smart
- less driving means less emission of green house gases and heat energy
- walking, hiking and biking are another alternative ways for transportation
- car pool works as well
SOLUTION 9# Change your light bulb
- regular change to compact fluorescent light bulbs to prevent the elimination of green house gases
SOLUTION 10# Use less heat and air conditioning
- install weather stripping around doors and windows
- lower heat cost by reducing amount of energy needed to heat or to cool the house
SOLUTION 11# Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Choose recyclable products instead of disposables
- Recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminium cans
- Reduce open burning when release unnecessary heat energy
by: joyce